Online or offline: your guide to getting the mix right
Over the years, businesses have become experts at digital marketing – using their websites and digital assets more effectively to develop leads and drive sales, and increasing their competencies in direct marketing (by email). In fact, email marketing has...

Digital advertising trends to watch in 2018
At Pulse, we’re all about trends. Whether it’s finally being allowed to tell your hairdresser, “Yes… I’ll have a mullet cut, please”, or if it’s still cool in 2018 to drink matcha tea. When we’re not scouring Buzzfeed for new cafés to try that the kids haven’t already...

Google Adwords for small business
Google generates over 3.5 billion searches per day – translating to over 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. If you are in the business of, well anything, then you should definitely get to know this powerful tool.That said, before you run to your...

The marketing jargon buster
We HATE marketing acronyms… and we LOVE them. This list will keep getting bigger with everyday marketing-speak, so you can have conversations and actually look like you know what you’re talking about. B2B Business to Business Marketing directly to...

How to build a content strategy like a boss
You’ve just launched the new website for your company. It’s dramatic, visually engaging and the university-grad who built it for you, assures you it is the “latest thing in lead capture technology”. Now you can just sit back and watch the customers flow...

The mistakes everyone makes on Facebook
Even if you’ve never seen 1984’s Places in the Heart, you’re probably familiar with Sally Field’s Academy Award acceptance speech – “You like me… you really like me”. Jump onto Facebook any day of the week, and you will be bombarded by click-bait ads,...

Does GOOGLE really make the grass greener?
Does Google really make the grass greener?.. To some people the answer is “yes”. To others, it is just another deep dark hole that they throw money into (with little return). Google can either be the best friend, or the worst enemy to your advertising budget. You need...

Mobile: The new advertising standard
Of all the significant shifts in the advertising landscape over the past few years, none has had as material an impact as the emergence of Mobile as an engagement necessity. For advertisers considering new ways to integrate their engagement activities (you’ll notice I...